If you subscribe to our YouTube Channel, you’re one of us. (You DO subscribe to our YouTube Channel, don’t you? If not, please clicky the linky.)

Since you’re one of us, we’re letting you in on a little secret.

We love visiting Yellowstone, and when camping in Mammoth we like to don our swimsuits and relax in the Boiling River. It’s sort of like a natural hot tub, albeit one with sharp mossy rocks, unpredictable temperatures, wild elk, and dangerous microbes.

But seriously – it’s a lot of fun. Use a little common sense and you’ll have a great time in your quest for the perfect soaking spot of soothing warm water.

As we discuss in the video, this place is not your typical visit to the local spa. But it’s one of the more unique experiences you’ll ever have in a national park. And isn’t the pursuit of unique experiences what travel is all about?

By posting this video and sharing our spot, we risk the risk of word spreading. Yes, our spot may become more crowded. But it will be crowded with Loloho subscribers, won’t it? You guys are like family. So for us, a trip to Boiling River will soon be kind of like a family reunion. I just hope someone brings a little of Grandma’s moonshine to share with us, your distant camping cousins. (Okay, that’s enough of this terrible analogy.)

We hope to see you down there!