FOR BEGINNERS: RV Trip Checklist!

Many of you have asked for some sort of RV pre-departure checklist. So we made a quick video with some ideas. These are several of the issues we address before setting sail. One of the unfortunate truisms of RV adventure, and travel in general, is that you often only...

RV Generators for Newbies

We were all “newbies” at one time. When you get an RV, there’s a lot to learn. So every year we like to create some fresh videos for newcomers to RV travel. One of the first big ticket items RV newbs may considering purchasing is a portable inverter...

Memorial Day

Recently Kristy and I were looking for something to watch on TV. We happened across “The Pacific,” the brilliant Tom Hanks / Steven Speilberg production that chronicles World War 2 battles in the South Pacific. We enjoyed the series, and were especially intrigued by a...

LIVE CHAT with 30A!

Life takes interesting twists and turns. Some 35 years ago, I spent a lot of time hanging out with my friend Mike. We did what teenage males in the 1980s liked to do — we played videogames (mainly on our Commodore 64 computers) and listened to music and went to...