Sometimes we men make clothing purchases that our wives don’t quite understand. Take my balaclava (, for example.
No, I’m not talking about a delicious sweet dessert made of layers of filo pastry filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with syrup or honey – that’s baklava. And yes, baklava ( can be eaten while wearing a balaclava – if you pull the mask up to expose your mouth.

BAKLAVA – they love this stuff in Turkey and Greece. It’s more popular than fried chicken in Alabama. (Click the pic for more info.)
A balaclava is a form of cloth headgear that covers the whole head, exposing only part of the face. Often only the eyes are left exposed. It offers wonderful warmth for the face and head in winter.
The name “balaclava” comes from the town of Balaklava in the Ukraine. I’ve visited the Ukraine before – in February. Just say the word “Ukraine” and, by involuntary reflex, my teeth instantly start chattering. If Ukrainians know anything, they know cold weather.
When I bought my first balaclava, a black fleece number with only an eye opening, my wife was skeptical.
“You look like a bank robber,” she said with a laugh.
She had a point. If you’re in the bank robbing business, a balaclava looks much more respectable than stretching pantyhose over your face.
“Laugh all you want now,” I replied. “but I’ll have the last laugh when we are camping in the freezing cold in Alaska.”
A few months later, we were camping in Alaska. At night. In the FREEZING cold. We huddled together for warmth inside our Airstream. It was so cold we used two heaters: our propane heat furnace and an electric space heater (powered by our generator).
Bedtime arrived. Someone needed to go outside into the wintry conditions and turn off the generator.
My wife was nestled beneath her fleece blanket, drinking a hot cup of tea.
“Time to turn off the generator,” I said.
“You’ve got that nice balaclava,” she said. “Why don’t you go outside and do it?”
So I guess she had the last laugh.
Since we got home from Alaska, I picked up a second balaclava – a camouflage one with an open top. One benefit to this style is the ability to easily add a hat or headlamp, or just to go open top on warmer days.
While many wear camouflage for hunting, I use it for bird and wildlife photography. In a pinch, I suppose it would work for bank robbing as well.