Camping in LA

People often ask about the places we camp. In truth, there’s such a wide variety that there’s no way to generalize. Sometimes we dry camp in a national park campground like Gros Ventre in Grand Teton National Park. That experience is on the raw and gritty...

Eat Your Veggies

When our bathroom scale started looking like the national debt counter, we began exploring more healthy ways to cook. Towards this goal, one of the best kitchen gadgets we’ve found is the Chef’n Sleekstor VeggiSteam Silicone Steamer (

Roku Your World

One of our favorite methods of watching TV in the Airstream is by using our Roku box ( What is a Roku? It’s an Internet streaming video device that delivers 1000+ different channels of video content. You simply plug the Roku into your TV,...

About That Hole in Your Roof

Every RV benefits from more insulation. That’s why the good Lord invented RV vent insulators ( These fit standard 14-inch RV vents. RV ceiling vents are great when you want to circulate fresh air into your living space. They work well...

Always Use Protection

If you take care of your tires, you avoid a lot of problems. Even storage can be stressful on tires. That’s why Camco RV tire protectors ( exist. Like everything else in the world, RV tires have a shelf life. The usual lifespan figure...

The Tool You Hope to Never Use

Everyone needs an escape tool in their vehicle. The original is called the Lifehammer ( Now lower cost alternatives such as the generic Emergency Tool ( are available for around a five spot. There’s also a more premium...

REVIEW: Garmin 2455LMT GPS

If you plan to take a serious RV road trip, a GPS is a “must own” device. We recently bought our second portable GPS unit. Our GPS is a Garmin 2455LMT and after testing it for several weeks, we are pleased with it. Over the past few years, GPS prices have dropped and...

Walking the Talkie

Some of the most useful communication tools that we carry are our “walkie-talkies” (also known as two-way radios). Every RV camper should have a pair of these devices. We store ours inside our truck’s glovebox, so they are always within quick reach. Our units...

How to Buy an Airstream

Through the years, we’ve had all sorts of different visitors to our Long Long Honeymoon website. Everyone seems open to travel and new experiences. Most have an interest in RV camping. Many have a specific interest in Airstream ownership. I wrote the book “How...

REVIEW: The Best RV Camping Hat

What is the best hat for RV camping and outdoor activities? In our small travel production company, I wear many hats. No, literally! I wear a lot of different actual hats. Since I often appear on camera in our videos, I don hats to guard against the occasional “bad...

BLOG: Rattlesnake!

Many days in this life merge together in one’s mind. There’s an abundance of sameness, routine, and predictability. But every once in a while, something really weird happens. Life tosses us a spitball, a “brush back pitch” that grazes our...

BLOG: My Swiss Army Knife

Someone recently posed the question: “What’s your favorite RV camping travel gadget?” Considering all of the items we lug around with us when Airstream camping, I had to ponder it a moment. We’ve got hundreds of gadgets big and small. (The Airstream is a...

VIDEO: Trailer Aid!

When things go wrong, the adventure begins. That’s why you carry seemingly mundane items like a Trailer Aid ramp. Yes, it’s a bright yellow chunk of Made in China plastic. You don’t buy a Trailer Aid because it’s a fun sexy purchase. But every...

VIDEO: Doing Wall Drug

South Dakota’s Wall Drug evokes competing emotions. My feelings on the subject are divided. As the Persuaders once sang, it’s a thin line between love and hate. Or to paraphrase Dickens: it is the best of tourist traps; it is the worst of tourist traps....

Virgin Galactic “Cosmic Camping”

April 1 The Virgin Galactic corporation today announced a unique joint venture with Airstream designed to bolster the fledgling space tourism industry. The two companies will partner to offer “Cosmic Camping” ™ to intrepid and well-heeled adventurers. “Since the glory...

VIDEO: Filiform Corrosion

It goes without saying that I love Airstreams. Their legacy in the RV travel industry is unmatched. Their design is iconic. Airstreams are pretty much the only travel trailers that can occasionally pass as art. They’ve been doing it for eight decades. By...


When the time rolled around for new tires, we faced a minor dilemma. The OEM tires on SEEMORE, our Ford F250 pickup truck, were Continental Contitracs. Our experience with those Continental tires was pretty good. We managed to extract just over 47,000 miles of service...

PHOTOS: From Yukon With Love

As always, if you want to follow our latest, please visit and “LIKE” our Faceboook page. Greetings from Watson Lake, Yukon Territory! This is a small town that serves as an overnight stop along the Alaska Highway. We passed through Watson Lake over a month ago on our...

VIDEO: Space & Rocket Center

Several months ago, I stood outside on a chilly winter night, staring at the moon. Doing so is a rite of passage for budding photographers. Taking a nice photo of the moon is not a difficult task, though it requires some preparation. A tripod is a must, and it helps...

PHOTOS: Update from Alaska

First of all, if you are interested in LLH and our travel antics, we encourage you to visit and “LIKE” our Facebook page. I realize not everyone uses Facebook, but (current stock price notwithstanding) it really is one of the easiest and most effective means of...


I’ve been watching my weight lately. In fact, I’ve been on a diet. This means, sadly, a summer with no beer. For me, that’s like a soccer game with no ball. In the old days, I’d down a couple of 300-calorie pale ales before crawling out of bed....

Memories of Andy Griffith

As Ramona Wiley once wrote to Barney (“Barney Beloved”) Fife, “the tears on my pillow bespeak the pain that is in my heart.” If you are like me, news of Andy Griffith’s passing left you shedding a few tears. We camp because we want to...

Find us on FACEBOOK

Springtime is upon us, and that means several things. Pollen? Check. We’ve been sneezing at least fifteen times an hour. Airstream cleaning? Check. We recently pressure washed the old gal. She’s now shining in the sun like a gigantic loaf of silver sour...

VIDEO: How to Pressure Wash a BBQ Grill

In many respects, tools are what separate human beings from the lower animals. (Tools, and micro fleece. Believe me, if they had access to it, other animals would also be wearing micro fleece.) Sure, opposable digits are nice, but many animals have thumbs. Few...

VIDEO: Queen Mary 2 in Rough Seas

A few years ago, when decorating our tree we put together a “video Christmas card” and emailed it to friends. We’ve done several over the years, usually consisting of some sort of sloppy timelapse in which I drink a lot of whiskey-laden eggnog while...

VIDEO: Devil’s Tower

Devil’s Tower is a national monument located in the northeastern corner of Wyoming. It’s one of those road trip icons of the all-natural variety. If you are driving into the state from South Dakota (say, from visits to Wall Drug and Mt. Rushmore) it...

VIDEO: Aluminum Bliss

When Kristy and I travel in our Airstream, we become “part-time full-timers.” In other words, we are full-time Airstream travelers for an extended period of time. But (so far, anyway) we always return to the comfort of a house sans wheels. Our longest stretch...

VIDEO: Money-Saving Tip – Clubs

Let’s face it: the current economy is one giant financial dump station. How bad is it? I’m thinking about moving most of my investments away from the stock market and toward canned food items and ammunition. We might even bury our Airstream in the backyard and...

VIDEO: Digital Graffiti

I’m not much of a “festival” kind of guy. As I’ve written before in this space — believe it or not — I’m an introvert. For me, true bliss is not likely found in NYC. It’s found in BFE. You can have Manhattan. I’ll...

PHOTOS: iPhoneography

Here are a few favorite photos snapped with my iPhone 4, with a focus upon the American West. It’s been said that the iPhone is the most powerful camera ever made, except for the image quality. Granted, the iPhone may have a tiny sensor, but that sensor is...

VIDEO: Hitchin’ Swift!

Hitching is among the most fundamental tasks related to Airstream camping. It’s the first thing they teach you. Rather, it’s the first thing they WOULD teach you, if anyone was teaching you at all. If you’re like me, you learned by doing. #162...

PHOTO: Supermoon!

One of the reasons we camp is to get closer to nature. But in this instance, “nature” just happened to be getting closer to us. And even though it was a couple hundred thousand miles away, it was still quite spectacular. Every once in a while, the wonders...

VIDEO: Airstream & Porsche

As I roll out my first novel, The Lost Spyder, I’m sure that a few readers of our Long Long Honeymoon blog are scratching their heads. This particular mystery/suspense novel begs the question: “Sean, what are you thinking – just what the hell does Porsche have...

VIDEO: How to Kill a “Check Engine” Light

Most vehicles built in the last couple of decades come equipped with on board “check engine” lights. There are other lights on the dashboard, often referred to as “idiot lights” because they were originally invented for mechanically challenged folks who could not read...

VIDEO: The Boat Show!

When I was a wee lad, I daydreamed about owning a boat. I didn’t care so much about owning a speed or leisure boat, but rather a larger ocean-going vessel equipped with all sorts of creature comforts – a cozy bedroom, a spacious living room, a comfy couch. For...

VIDEO: Mailboxes at the UPS Store

Mail delivery and receipt is of ongoing concern to most Americans, at least those of us who pay bills and taxes. Thus, one of the dilemmas of full-time RV travel: how to handle the daily influx of paper documents demanding our money? Those of us who forego a fixed...

VIDEO: From our family to yours…

When we travel in our Airstream, we often reference the philosophy of “less is more.” You know, sometimes bigger is not necessarily better. Indeed, one reason we camp is to purposefully experience a simpler life. Here’s an unlikely “less is more” tale...