On Baklava and Balaclavas

Sometimes we men make clothing purchases that our wives don’t quite understand. Take my balaclava (http://goo.gl/CefSl9), for example. No, I’m not talking about a delicious sweet dessert made of layers of filo pastry filled with chopped nuts and sweetened...

How to Buy an Airstream

Through the years, we’ve had all sorts of different visitors to our Long Long Honeymoon website. Everyone seems open to travel and new experiences. Most have an interest in RV camping. Many have a specific interest in Airstream ownership. I wrote the book “How...

VIDEO: Trailer Aid!

When things go wrong, the adventure begins. That’s why you carry seemingly mundane items like a Trailer Aid ramp. Yes, it’s a bright yellow chunk of Made in China plastic. You don’t buy a Trailer Aid because it’s a fun sexy purchase. But every...