Virgin Galactic “Cosmic Camping”

April 1 The Virgin Galactic corporation today announced a unique joint venture with Airstream designed to bolster the fledgling space tourism industry. The two companies will partner to offer “Cosmic Camping” ™ to intrepid and well-heeled adventurers. “Since the glory...

PHOTOS: Update from Alaska

First of all, if you are interested in LLH and our travel antics, we encourage you to visit and “LIKE” our Facebook page. I realize not everyone uses Facebook, but (current stock price notwithstanding) it really is one of the easiest and most effective means of...

VIDEO: Digital Graffiti

I’m not much of a “festival” kind of guy. As I’ve written before in this space — believe it or not — I’m an introvert. For me, true bliss is not likely found in NYC. It’s found in BFE. You can have Manhattan. I’ll...