VIDEO: Movin’ on U.P.

Here ya go folks. Fresh new post from the hardest workin’ man in the bloggin’ business! Sure, I don’t post as often as some. But hey, who else gives ya a FRICKIN’ TV SHOW in their blog? (Oh, I guess Diablo Cody does — in RED BAND TRAILER....

VIDEO: Telluride and Mesa Verde

Traveling to historic places is obviously good for the mind. Nothing enhances one’s understanding of history like viewing what’s left of it. But it’s also good for the soul. There’s something both sobering and magical about being amongst sites that were occupied by...

VIDEO: Is Lake Louise an Elaborate Hoax?

A few years ago, a couple of employees at Yellowstone National Park played a joke on the tourists. They placed a large hand crank apparatus on top of a wooden box. Next they set the whole contraption in the vicinity of the world famous Old Faithful geyser, which...

VIDEO: The Simple Life?

When in college, I worked a couple of summers in Yellowstone National Park. My job was usually in the kitchen, where my friends and I could be found chopping vegetables, flipping burgers, or (if we were lucky) scooping ice cream for tourists. As you might imagine, the...

VIDEO: Blowing All Your Money in Canada

Last time I wrote about beating gas prices by camping close to home. So it seems fitting that in today’s post we consider what happens when you throw caution to the wind, and camp FAR AWAY from home. For my wife Kristy and I, the time we spent in Canada’s...