VIDEO: Trailer Aid!

When things go wrong, the adventure begins. That’s why you carry seemingly mundane items like a Trailer Aid ramp. Yes, it’s a bright yellow chunk of Made in China plastic. You don’t buy a Trailer Aid because it’s a fun sexy purchase. But every...


When the time rolled around for new tires, we faced a minor dilemma. The OEM tires on SEEMORE, our Ford F250 pickup truck, were Continental Contitracs. Our experience with those Continental tires was pretty good. We managed to extract just over 47,000 miles of service...

VIDEO: Blowout!

“When things go wrong, the adventure begins!” Someone emailed me this expression. I’ve found it quite useful. In the early days of our road tripping travels, my attitude was not quite so chipper. I recall a couple of Airstream-related temper...