VIDEO: RVIA? We’ve Been There

Recently we hauled our Airstream to RVIA, the annual industry convention in Louisville, Kentucky. We found ourselves “camping” in freezing weather upon an enormous slab of asphalt. Oddly, this is much more fun than it sounds. I’m happy to report that...

VIDEO: Old School, New Faucet

Overall, we’ve been happy with our Airstream Classic. Although the company makes hipper models with contemporary interiors, we also like the “old school” experience of Airstream camping. Sure, the decor is a bit long in the tooth, but it channels generations of...

VIDEO: Alien Encounter… in the Shrubbery

Okay, here are a few photos of wildlife — the tiny variety. Last week Kristy and I were lounging on some sun chairs in Florida. Yes, with apologies to our friends up north, it was sunny enough for sunbathing. (This obviously was before Hurricane Ida came to...

VIDEO: Did the Ancient Romans Tailgate?

According to Wikipedia, “in North America, a tailgate party is a social event held on and around the open tailgate of a vehicle.” Which begs the question, what is a tailgate party in South America? A form of sociopolitical rebellion? But I digress. In the...

VIDEO: Wally’s World

“Do they still make those things?” Every Airstream owner, sooner or later, hears this question. This indicates the degree to which the Airstream travel trailer has achieved iconic status. But if I were running the company, I’d find the question...

VIDEO: The Honeymoon Capital of the World?

Probably the highest compliment I can pay Niagara Falls is that it looks fake. To be more precise, at times the natural scenery is so spectacular, it seems to good to be true. We snapped a couple of photos with our SLR. Viewing the results, I just shook my head. But...