When we have full hookups and are given the choice between using our own RV shower or a campground shower, we choose our own. That’s the reason we own special RV shower supplies like the OXO Good Grips basket (http://goo.gl/KPcF5c), the Thetford Storage Staytion (http://goo.gl/lYDMdT), and the Thetford Staytion Soap Dish (http://goo.gl/adzOMk). We carry and use all of the usual supplies in our own shower. When the road gets rough, our stuff stays put.

Here's the OXO caddy hard at work. The OXO is the "nicer" option for this job. (Click the pic for more info.)
Our Airstream shower is like most RV showers. The interior is smooth fiberglass. There’s no built-in method of storing the usual shower goodies like shampoo, conditioner, and soap.

The Thetford soap dish is another "must have" if you plan to use your own RV shower. (Click the pic for more info.)
Organization is especially important when you are living in a small space. And suppose that small space is subjected to earthquakes on a regular basis? Believe it or not, when traveling along an average highway, an RV is subjected to earthquake level forces registering four on the Richter Scale. I sometimes compare our aluminum-skinned Airstream to a giant martini shaker. Anything not properly secured will be shaken, not stirred.

The Thetford Shower Staytion is an alternative to the OXO unit. It may not look as "nice," but frankly - who cares? It will do the job.
We personally own both an OXO storage basket and a Thetford soap dish – both work well. They keep shampoo, conditioner, razors, and soap well secured all the way.
What more can be said about these products? They are simple, effective, and “must haves” for RV owners who actually use their own showers.