VIDEO: The Boat Show!

When I was a wee lad, I daydreamed about owning a boat. I didn’t care so much about owning a speed or leisure boat, but rather a larger ocean-going vessel equipped with all sorts of creature comforts – a cozy bedroom, a spacious living room, a comfy couch. For...

VIDEO: Ontario, Eh?

Oh, Canada? Oh my… Where to begin? The transition from Quebec to Ontario is subtle, but the difference is dramatic. There’s no border check (not yet anyway) but when you see that first “Welcome to Ontario” sign you’re already back on more...

VIDEO: Regarding Henry

Is it possible to visit Boston without actually, um, visiting Boston? When we rolled into Beantown, we set up camp in a rural area some 30 miles outside the metropolis. This choice of campground was made partly out of necessity. There just aren’t many (if any)...

VIDEO: Useful RV Products

Over the past couple of years, we’ve managed to stock our RV with a variety of useful items. A few of these products have achieved “must have” status, in that we wouldn’t go camping without having them on board. Since we often receive questions...

VIDEO: Winter Camping

With overnight temperatures dropping into the teens, Kristy and I decided to hitch up our Airstream, tow it to a nearby state park, and do a little camping in the cold. The low temperature was a bone-chilling 21 degrees Fahrenheit, with wind chill dropping into single...