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Greetings from Watson Lake, Yukon Territory! This is a small town that serves as an overnight stop along the Alaska Highway. We passed through Watson Lake over a month ago on our way north, and now we are here for the return journey.
There’s a key junction here in Watson Lake of two famous highways – the Alaska Highway and the Cassiar Highway. We plan to take the Cassiar south through British Columbia. We’ll see some different scenery and emerge north of Seattle, where we will visit family before continuing south.
If you’re wondering how the Alaska trip has gone so far, allow me to tell you in brief. It has gone well. Very well.
We took about a month in our journey from Alabama to the Alaska border. Then we spent five weeks inside Alaska proper. We visited Tok, Delta Junction, Fairbanks, Denali, Palmer/Wasila, Anchorage, Homer, Seward, Valdez, and Glennallen. Then we visited Haines, Chilkoot Lake, and Skagway. We may have one more Alaskan stop yet to go – Hyder, to the south.
But this isn’t intended to be a geography lesson. On more than one occasion during this journey I’ve turned to Kristy and said, “This has been our best Airstream trip ever.”
What has made it so satisfying? When we Airstream camp, I like to CAMP. Sure, we’ve visited many urban centers (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles) with our rig, but the most enjoyable experiences for me happen in the wild. In the lower 48 this usually means the national parks. I love our beautiful national parks – places like Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon.
But huge sections of British Columbia, the Yukon, and Alaska are WILDER than national parks. In addition to jaw dropping scenery, there’s no shortage of wildlife. We’ve seen loads of bear, moose, and bald eagles. We saw a wolf in the Yukon.
One fantastic aspect of camping up here is the RV friendly culture. You are free to stop and overnight park just about anywhere you want. You aren’t forced into Walmart parking lots. You can stay anywhere you please. City governments often give lip service to ‘freedom’ in the lower 48, then get busy passing as many laws as possible to restrict it. Heck, in many towns you can’t even park your camper in your own driveway. Up here, you are free to camp at any pullover along the highway.
I’ve tried to take photos and video of all our different campsites. Suffice to say that we have enjoyed “free” camping on a regular basis; probably 1 out of every 2 nights. To me, the ability to go where we want, when we want, and stay as long as we want – this is what the Airstream lifestyle and mode of travel is all about.
I’ve shot loads of material for the upcoming documentary film about this trip. It’s going to be a challenging edit, but I am looking forward to the task.
Until next time, here are a few more photos of our journey.