After many years of Airstream ownership, we’ve found a few products that are especially handy.
One of the most useful is Boeshield T-9. It’s like WD-40, but better – a lot better. Boeshield offers superior corrosion protection and lubrication that is long lasting.
Boeshield T-9 was developed by Boeing to help maintain aircraft. When you think about the environmental extremes that aircraft endure, it makes sense that the company would develop some high quality maintenance products.
The same properties that make it so useful on airplanes apply to RVs (and guns, tools, bicycles, cars, etc.). If it’s made of metal, it will probably benefit from Boeshield.

Open a can of whoop ass on corrosion! BOESHIELD T-9 was developed by Boeing to maintain aircraft. It works great on RVs.
There’s paraffin inside the Boeshield formula. Unlike many consumer products, Boeshield dries to a thin waxy finish and a treatment lasts for months. The waxy finish is a key benefit of Boeshield. It helps secure the product to the metal. After applying Boeshield, you will enjoy the benefits of waterproof lubrication for a long time.
Here’s a list of a few places on our RV where we’ve sprayed Boeshield T-9:
-Door step (helps extension & retraction)
-Hitch assembly and chains
-Door hinges
-Scissor jacks
-Aluminum skin (helps prevent filiform corrosion)
-Keyholes (works wonders on sticky locks)
-Awning arms
-Exterior storage compartments
-Bedroom (just kidding!)
Pretty much any metal surface and/or pivot point will benefit from an application of Boeshield T-9. If it’s not rusty, Boeshield will help protect it. If it’s already corroded, Boeshield will improve its function while also helping to prevent further damage.
I discovered Boeshield a few years ago when the company sent me a can to review. At the time, I knew nothing about the product. After using it for years, I can vouch for its effectiveness. This is an excellent product and I always keep a can in our truck or RV. Boeshield rocks!