We’re in the process of migrating our site over to a different look. The goal is to combine our video updates with more frequent traditional blog updates.

We do a lot of video here at The Long Long Honeymoon. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a moving picture should be worth 24 thousand per second (assuming we’re shooting at 24 frames per second progressively). That would make a 2-minute video worth 2,880,000 words! Err, nevermind…

The upshot is that these videos take a lot of time to produce, vis-a-vis the typical All American blog update. So our new design is intended to give you both worlds: video will stay front-and-center on our site, while more frequent blog updates will appear on the right side of the screen.

There’s no magic formula when it comes to web design. But hopefully, this will make navigating our site a little easier on YOU, our beloved reader. And watcher.