Stocking Stuffers!

What’s that burning smell? A propane leak? No, it’s chestnuts roasting on an open campfire. But I digress. It’s the holiday season. If you’re like me, you’ve still got gifts yet to purchase. That’s where we come in. By popular...

VIDEO: Blowout!

“When things go wrong, the adventure begins!” Someone emailed me this expression. I’ve found it quite useful. In the early days of our road tripping travels, my attitude was not quite so chipper. I recall a couple of Airstream-related temper...
VIDEO: ‘Twas the Day After Thanksgiving

VIDEO: ‘Twas the Day After Thanksgiving

In our home state of Alabama, the most popular spectator sport is college football. The passion and intensity with which this sport is followed can hardly be exaggerated. It’s kind of like England and soccer, only without all the hooligans and riots. Or at least...

VIDEO: You’ve Got Mail – Or Do You?

You’ve got mail — or do you? If you take the plunge and become a FULL-TIME occupant of your RV, life goes on. It still rains, snows, sleets, and hails. (And in our case, it now also leaks.) You still need to receive mail from time to time. Of course you...

VIDEO: Sturgis

About 20 years ago, my best friend Mike and I loaded up my trusty 1985 Honda CRX (a tiny 2-seater, but you could cram an adult male bison in the rear hatch) and headed west on the first great cross-country road trip of our lives. We departed in early August. Our route...

VIDEO: Movin’ on U.P.

Here ya go folks. Fresh new post from the hardest workin’ man in the bloggin’ business! Sure, I don’t post as often as some. But hey, who else gives ya a FRICKIN’ TV SHOW in their blog? (Oh, I guess Diablo Cody does — in RED BAND TRAILER....

VIDEO: Slice of Chicago

This video clocks in a little longer than our usual fare. I can’t determine what the ideal length might be for an Internet video. For some people, the shorter the better. (For you short attention span people, our shortest video on YouTube is about 9 seconds...

VIDEO: The Greasy Spoon

As we meander around North America, we always set aside a little time to stop in local eateries. It’s often rough on the waistline, but many fond travel memories are made at the dinner table. We’ve found all sorts of fun places along the way. Some new,...

VIDEO: Amish Time

Okay, this is a weird one. The Amish pose a compelling conundrum for a travel blog. We travel types are motivated to explore. Not unlike Captain Kirk, we seek out new life and new civilizations. Most of us embrace modern technology along the way (yes, you can have my...

VIDEO: The Royal Treatment

As I’ve written before, on we’re committed to documenting the RV lifestyle — the good, the bad, and the ugly. So here’s a facet of RV travel we’ve never previously addressed. I suppose we could classify this job as...

VIDEO: Under Pressure

Pressure washing — an addictive activity? It’s definitely dangerous, as you see in the video. But in addition to splitting human skin, will it split aluminum seams? Overall, my approach is moderation in all things, including moderation. We have owned our...

VIDEO: Our Yamaha EF3000iSEB

After we bought our RV, we quickly realized that electricity is quite useful. Unless you like ice-cold coffee, blank TV screens, and sweltering summer heat, you’ll want the ability to camp with substantial amounts of the stuff on hand. But since one can’t purchase...

VIDEO: Liv’s Sad Trim

One of the great upsides of Airstream ownership, in my opinion, is the product’s longevity. Airstreams are not disposable. Over 70% of all Airstream travel trailers ever built (going back to the 1930s) are still in use today. So if you are a “buy and...

VIDEO: Kent DuChaine sings Robert Johnson

I know, I know — our website offers “tips and information for Airstream / RV travelers.” SO HERE’S TODAY’S TIP: support your local musicians! Honestly, I get more enjoyment from local independent musicians than the glossy pre-packaged...

QUESTION: Booze Ban?!

Here in America, we like to toss around the word “freedom” a lot. We supposedly live in “the land of the free.” In reality, we live in the land of the taxed and regulated — but that’s not such a catchy phrase. Case in point: Maryland has BANNED ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION in...

COMING SOON: “Hello, Blog” on DVD!

Hello, blog! Yes, I’m aware that’s a strange way to address one’s blog. But is it really any more bizarre than Good Morning America? And does anyone remember that old McLean Stevenson sit-com called Hello, Larry? Not the catchiest TV jingle, but hey...

VIDEO: The Noisiest Campground

Here on, we like to consider the plethora of ways in which people use their RVs. While the most obvious may be old fashioned campin’ in a campground, RVs (and especially Airstreams) tend to crop up in unusual places. We’ve seen...

VLOG: DVD & Summer Plans

We rarely “vlog” on — at least if you define “vlogging” as yapping into the camera without significant editing. But why not give it a whirl? Here’s what’s happening in our neck of the woods these days,...


What is Alumapalooza, you ask? It’s a big gathering of Airstream enthusiasts, and it’s being held June 1-6 at the motherland in Jackson Center, Ohio. Kristy and I are not only slated to ATTEND Alumapalooza, we’ll also be speaking! So if you want to...

VIDEO: Justin Gaffrey

Here’s a short film I made about one of our favorite artists. Justin Gaffrey creates art in Blue Mountain Beach, Florida. We’ve camped in this area more times than we can count. We love it so much, we made it our home away from home. When Walkabout...

VIDEO: Water Water Everywhere

Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink ; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink. Samuel Taylor Coleridge Rime of the Ancient RVer Mariner Water — it does a body good. For the moment, our Long Long Honeymoon is veering into...

VIDEO: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Oh My!

When we first started blogging, the original plan was to simply to keep friends and family in the loop. Our posts were snapshots and text. Then we began uploading the occasional short video to YouTube. This quickly morphed into regular YouTube uploads from the road....

MEDIA: We’ve Been Blurbed!

Kristy and I are members of Good Sam Club. We joined in 2007, a few months after buying our Airstream and hitting the road. We don’t have any “official” affiliation with the club, although we do blog on (a site that’s owned by the same parent...

PHOTOS: Just Add Buddha

While attending the RVIA trade show, we seized the opportunity to browse Airstream’s latest. The company unveiled a new model in its popular International series. The incoming Serenity replaces the Ocean Breeze in the lineup. The Serenity features Asian interior...

VIDEO: RVIA? We’ve Been There

Recently we hauled our Airstream to RVIA, the annual industry convention in Louisville, Kentucky. We found ourselves “camping” in freezing weather upon an enormous slab of asphalt. Oddly, this is much more fun than it sounds. I’m happy to report that...

VIDEO: Old School, New Faucet

Overall, we’ve been happy with our Airstream Classic. Although the company makes hipper models with contemporary interiors, we also like the “old school” experience of Airstream camping. Sure, the decor is a bit long in the tooth, but it channels generations of...

VIDEO: Alien Encounter… in the Shrubbery

Okay, here are a few photos of wildlife — the tiny variety. Last week Kristy and I were lounging on some sun chairs in Florida. Yes, with apologies to our friends up north, it was sunny enough for sunbathing. (This obviously was before Hurricane Ida came to...

VIDEO: Sunset on the Gulf

Kristy and I are working on a DVD with some tips for fellow RV campers. Yesterday we shot some video footage at Camping on the Gulf, a privately owned campground on the Gulf of Mexico in Destin, Florida. It’s a well managed campground that in the off season is...

VIDEO: Is Your Tow Vehicle Safe?

Recently, we saw a fellow towing a 31-foot Airstream Classic with a minivan. The Classic is the heaviest Airstream model. The 31-footer weighs about 10,000 pounds. Does this seem like a wise combination to you? A friend recently send me a photo of someone towing a...

PHOTOS: Jamaica, Mon!

For the past several days, we have been in Negril, Jamaica attending a destination wedding. We stayed at an all inclusive resort. It’s kind of like a cruise that doesn’t cruise. In other words, you pay one (slightly exorbitant!) price, and that’s it....

VIDEO: Should we get a dog?

To pet or not to pet? That is the question. 95% of the time, we’d love to own a dog. Pet ownership is not only great fun, it’s good for your health and mental well being. Just check the stats. Lots of scientific studies have been done. Pet owners, by and...

VIDEO: Did the Ancient Romans Tailgate?

According to Wikipedia, “in North America, a tailgate party is a social event held on and around the open tailgate of a vehicle.” Which begs the question, what is a tailgate party in South America? A form of sociopolitical rebellion? But I digress. In the...

VIDEO: Can you top a TARANTULA?

Wild animals. We love ‘em – at least when they’re not trying to eat us. Certainly one of the reasons we camp, whether we realize it or not, is to get closer to animals. My favorite wild animal encounter from a filmmaking perspective is well documented in that...

The Glass Half Empty

The year is more than half over. As of this writing, we’ve got four months left to go. The proverbial glass now stands half-empty. Or half full, if you prefer. What have we accomplished this year? Where have we been? Where are we going? Let’s sip a cold...

VIDEO: Wally’s World

“Do they still make those things?” Every Airstream owner, sooner or later, hears this question. This indicates the degree to which the Airstream travel trailer has achieved iconic status. But if I were running the company, I’d find the question...

VIDEO: The Honeymoon Capital of the World?

Probably the highest compliment I can pay Niagara Falls is that it looks fake. To be more precise, at times the natural scenery is so spectacular, it seems to good to be true. We snapped a couple of photos with our SLR. Viewing the results, I just shook my head. But...

Erin Andrews Needs to Buy an RV

The big news story this weekend (at least in the sports nerd community) concerns ESPN reporter Erin Andrews. Andrews is an attractive young woman who blogs and does sideline reports from live sporting events. If you’ve watched college football, you’ve...

VIDEO: Ontario, Eh?

Oh, Canada? Oh my… Where to begin? The transition from Quebec to Ontario is subtle, but the difference is dramatic. There’s no border check (not yet anyway) but when you see that first “Welcome to Ontario” sign you’re already back on more...

Larry Huttle, Chairman of Airstream

We’ve been enjoying some incredible hospitality at Airstream headquarters in Jackson Center, Ohio. Today we met with Larry Huttle, Chairman of the company. Mr. Huttle has been with Airstream some 30 years. He’s personable, knowledgeable, and a true...

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls was fabulous! It provides one of those spectacular visual backdrops that almost looks fake — but it’s not fake. We shot tons of video at the Falls that will be edited in due time. But for now, here ‘s one simple photo that sums up what...

Happy Independence Day!

by Sean Michael Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans! As I write this blog update, we are camping in Canada. I’m almost 40 years old, and this is the first time I’ve been outside our country on this important day. It feels a little strange to be...

Christina and Richard, Snowbirds

While in Ontario we spent a few days “driveway camping” at the home of Christina and Richard, our Canadian “snowbird” friends who spent last winter enjoying the balmy weather along the Alabama and Florida Gulf Coast. We had a blast meeting...

VIDEO: Parlez-Vous RV?

When visiting different places, travel “experts” tell us to visit museums, tour historic buildings, and generally behave like obedient fourth graders on a field trip. Our approach, for better or for worse, has always been a little different… Yes,...

PHOTOS: Scenes from Maine

Although we’re usually toting around video cameras, we also have a still camera and a couple of lenses in the toolkit. We’ve taken plenty of stills along the way. I’ll try to do a better job of getting them online. By the way, if you enjoy our blog...

VIDEO: Maine Event

For the past six months, Maine has been an ethereal, theoretical destination for our Long Long Honeymoon. If we had a dollar for every time we exclaimed, “This spring, we’re taking our Airstream up to Maine!” our fuel expenses would be covered. So...

VIDEO: Regarding Henry

Is it possible to visit Boston without actually, um, visiting Boston? When we rolled into Beantown, we set up camp in a rural area some 30 miles outside the metropolis. This choice of campground was made partly out of necessity. There just aren’t many (if any)...

VIDEO: Camping in New York?

On our Long Long Honeymoon, we’ve enjoyed our share of rustic camping locations. Places like Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, and Glacier National Park come to mind. Getting back to nature is what camping’s all about, right? But what happens when we take our...

VIDEO: TV Interview with Brooke Smith

From time to time on our spring 2009 tour, Kristy and I are stopping to speak with local media. Our mission: to promote RVing as a fun and affordable way to see our country. If we can do it, you can too! You don’t have to go for months at a time to enjoy RVing....

VIDEO: Icons

As a general rule, our “Long Long Honeymoon” is a lighthearted show. We focus more upon the fun stuff than the alternative. I figure there’s enough bad news in the world. Why add to it? With that said, our recent visit to Washington D.C. and Philadelphia put me in a...

VIDEO: Life on the Road

‘Tis said that “the journey is the destination.” But what does that mean? For our Long Long Honeymoon, it illustrates a key upside to RV travel vis-a-vis the old fly-and-rent route. When you fly somewhere, the airport is invariably a hectic and...

VIDEO: Spring Cleaning

One of our ongoing missions here at is to document the RV ownership experience. After all, many of our readers and video watchers are researching RV purchases when they discover (and immediately bookmark, right?) this site. This leads us to cover...

TV Appearance with Brooke Smith

This morning (EARLY this morning) Kristy and I towed our Airstream to a local park for a TV appearance. The park is Vulcan Park in Birmingham, Alabama. The statue of Vulcan, I’m told, is the 2nd largest iron statue in the world (the largest being the Statue of...

VIDEO: Gas or Diesel?

On The Long Long Honeymoon ( we’re launching a new series of video questions that you can discuss around the campfire. On the menu today: gas or diesel? Those of us who have towable RVs must confront this issue head on. Quite frankly, when...

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 30 Days

Travel and weight loss really don’t go together. When you think about it, food and culture are closely intertwined. Why travel if you can’t appreciate the local culture? When we travel, there’s always an excuse to indulge. “Hey, we’re in Chicago! Gotta have a...

VIDEO: Eye of the Tigre

Although we only RV’d for a short while in Argentina, we learned quite a lot. In this article I’ll review some of what you can expect if you rent an RV in the country. First and foremost, Argentina is a HUGE country with diverse terrain. It’s got...

VIDEO: Digital Graffiti at Alys Beach

Created specifically for Digital Graffiti at Alys Beach (, “Ugly Mug on Lovely House” explores visual contrast. Filmmaker Sean Michael juxtaposes intimidating close up shots of the human face (the artist’s own ‘ugly...

VIDEO: Argentina Part 2 — Ruta|Sur

If you want to RV camp in Argentina, the most obvious method is to fly into the country and rent an RV. So that’s what we did. Our rental company of choice was Ruta|Sur (the name’s Spanish for “Road South”). We discovered Ruta|Sur the same way...

“RV 2009″ Best Rated HGTV Show ALL YEAR!

Want to hear some GOOD NEWS about the RV industry for a change? As faithful visitors to The Long Long Honeymoon know, Kristy and I recently appeared on HGTV’s annual RV show. This special series offers an overview of the RV industry. The hour long TV show places a...

Seaside Airstreams

Kristy and I are fans of the town of Seaside, Florida. We produced a video there (featuring the Raw & Juicy juice bar). Not only is Seaside a beautiful little beach town, it’s also Airstream friendly. You see, Seaside is a swanky address with beach homes...

An Airstream Towed by a … Mini Cooper?!

Airstream has released a special concept trailer in Europe. The 22-foot trailer has been designed in partnership with Mini. It can be towed by a Mini Cooper S. Apparently this RV has been created with the surfer set in mind. It’s got a waterproof interior, and...

Is the RV Sky Falling?

I’ve written previously that it’s the best of times, and the worst of times. (If you’re going to rip off a writer, why not Dickens?) Unfortunately it’s the “worst” part of that equation that dominates our headlines, and often our...

As seen on … HGTV!

You’ve seen our videos here on Now you can see us in your living room! (A scary thought, no?) Kristy and I will make a national TV appearance on HGTV’s annual RV  show… During the filming of the show, a TV crew followed us (and two...

VIDEO: Garmin Nuvi 660 GPS Review

My love for technology and gadgets is well documented. I’m usually an early adopter when it comes to this stuff. Confessional case-in-point: in 1995, I made the unfortunate decision to install Microsoft Bob on my PC. We can’t be absolutely certain, but I think I...

VIDEO: Gone Hollywood

Kristy and I appeared on HGTV’s “RV 2009” show. During the filming of “RV 2009,” a TV crew followed us as we toured “America’s Largest RV Show” in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The premise of the show had us shopping for a...

Instant Kid (Just Add Snow)

We live in an area of the country that rarely sees snow. What often passes for snowfall here could easily be mistaken for dandruff. Of course, TV weather guys LOVE to PREDICT snow. If a local TV weatherman so much as mentions the FIRST SYLLABLE of the magic word,...

VIDEO: Useful RV Products

Over the past couple of years, we’ve managed to stock our RV with a variety of useful items. A few of these products have achieved “must have” status, in that we wouldn’t go camping without having them on board. Since we often receive questions...

Airstream Launches Euro Bambi

The Bambi is arguably the most widely admired Airstream model ever built. From a design standpoint, it secured its claim to fame by becoming a featured display in New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). It’s sleek, it’s round, it’s pleasing to...

VIDEO: Road Atlas

Maps. No great American road trip is complete without ’em. Or is it? Sometimes it’s tempting to think we can leave the maps at home. After all, these days they’re packing GPS units in cereal boxes. And GPS units have maps, right? Not so fast, my...

Adiós, Buenos Aires

As the clock winds down on our final day in Buenos Aires, I thought I’d jot out a few last minute notes about our trip. Some of these notes will eventually work their way into the script for our Argentina videos. Producing video is a time consuming process. But...